The future of medicine is digital: Telemedicine, eLearning, A.I., Blockchain and so much more.  Understanding and implementing these new digital tools will prove to be valuable but not a simple task. Implementing a digital transformation strategy will require not only buying technologies but changing business processes.  Our advisory team is led by Digital Health authority Brian de Francesca [bio].   We can assist you in developing and implementing digital health strategies that will meet your short and long-term needs.  Ver2 is your partner in your digital transformation journey.
Brian de Francesca is a Johns Hopkins educated authority on the use of digitalization and connectivity to improve healthcare quality, access and efficiency. Most specifically, in the use of platform technologies to increase, optimize and improve healthcare human resources. This has broad implications on healthcare staffing and facility design, development, number, location and the scope of healthcare services to be offered.  The future of medicine is digital, and Brian de Francesca is a thought leader in this important area.