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The diagnosis is the foundation of care delivery.   There is a global shortage of high-quality radiologists and pathologists.   Fortunately, the important work done by these doctors can be provided from any place on earth.   Ver2 partners have a network of thousands of radiologists and pathologists of all specialties and board certifications available to them, when they require their services.  You select who you need, when you need them.  For example, if you need a pediatric neuro-radiologist to report on a complex imaging case – Ver2 is your answer.   You may have a need for a Genitourinary pathologist, but not have one on staff – Ver2 is your answer.    Who you need, when you need them – Ver2 is your partner.   


You do not only need to rely on the services of our network doctors.  For our partners who have multiple facility locations, Ver2 can assist you in virtually sharing your clinical resources between these various facilities.   You can use the Ver2 service platform for resource sharing and clinical load balancing – this increasing efficiency, care access and quality. 

Ver2 supports high-quality, flexible, virtual clinical staffing – the future of medicine. 

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